Event type: | Group Session |
Date: | 28th May 2024 |
Time: | 10:30 |
Group: | Walking Group |
Venue: | The Great Outdoors |
Organiser: |
A circular walk via Great Rock.
The next walk for Walking Group members will be held on Tuesday 28th May starting from Todmorden Bus Station at 10:30am. It will be a 5½ mile circular walk from Todmorden town centre via Windy Harbour, Great Rock and Upper Eastwood. The walk will take the group up Stansfield Road, over the railway, up to Hole Bottom and continue to Windy Harbour. This is a steady (in places, steep) ascent of about 1,000 feet over a distance of 1½ miles, walking on tarmac and concrete. From Windy Harbour we head east on Todmorden Centenary Way, for Great Rock. This stretch is fairly level, with a mixture of firm, grassy paths, occasional boggy sections and approx. 350 yards of road. There are a couple of short stretches of uneven stepping stones and a wooden rail to vault over! (but with the option of a short diversion). We will have a refreshment break at Great Rock. From here, a steady descent (all firm under foot), through Upper Eastwood, to meet the A646 at Eastwood. Walk about 350 yards of pavement beside the main road (at which point there are bus shelters, for services east and west), before we cross the road and follow a track to the canal. Join the canal towpath for a gentle, 1½ miles walk back to Todmorden town centre (or a 3 mile walk back to Hebden Bridge).