
Learn, Laugh, Live


Walking Group March 2024 Walk - led by Anne Wear

Event type: Group Session
Date: 26th March 2024
Time: 10:41
Group: Walking Group
Venue: The Great Outdoors

Meet at Todmorden Bus Station to take the 10.41am 590 bus from Todmorden towards Rochdale, and get off at Gordon Riggs Garden centre.  (Please note that bus times changed on 18th February).  Alternatively meet at Riggs by the entrance at 10.50am. 

Walk up Allescholes Road to the top, past Moorhey Farm/ Barn (where Anne lives) and then follow a track up to the wind turbines above Walsden. Expect spectacular views over surrounding countryside once the turbines are reached!
Follow the road around the turbines to meet the ancient Long Causeway packhorse trail which crosses the track.
Turn right, pass through a gate then follow the Causeway down to Ramsden Wood.  Go straight on at the bottom, through a small wooden gate, then walk over the old packhorse bridge (Ragby Bridge). Turn right at the footpath sign to walk along Ramsden Wood Clough back  to Gordon Riggs.

Return to Todmorden centre by 590 bus from Scott Street (just along the main road towards Todmorden) at approximately 25 and 55 minutes after the hour.

Walkers wanting a longer walk can walk back to Todmorden along the canal towpath.  This can be accessed by turning right just before the first houses on the right (as you walk towards Todmorden on the main road), but it's probably easier to access it from round the back of Walsden Post Office, a little further towards Todmorden.

It would be helpful if you can let me know in advance, at toddypg@gmail.com, if you plan to join the walk, so that I can give Anne a rough idea of numbers.  However, last minute decision makers will also be welcome to join the walk, as usual.