
Learn, Laugh, Live


Group Category: Arts and Humanities

  • First Tuesday Book Group

    This recently-formed group will meet monthly in Hebden Bridge Town Hall on the first Tuesday, starting 1st October, The books for discussion will be chosen by group members in turn. The genre of book for discussion will include but will not be confined to novels, Read more

  • Alfresco History / Archaeology

    This new group is developing a programme of visits to historical sites interspersed with group sessions which review past visits and anticipate future ones. More detail in the post (below) about our inaugural meeting.. Group News Read more

  • Local History

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  • 3 Valley Readers

    Convenor is Christine Morton. In-person meetings take place on the first Thursday of the month at Honest Johns in Todmorden. Books read are predominantly fiction with occasional non-fiction. The books are chosen by the members and each take turn to lead a book discussion. Read more

  • Art Appreciation History

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  • Classic Literature Group

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  • World Cinema

    Each film will be in original version with English subtitles. The screening will be followed by a discussion about the film. Read more

  • Novel Appreciation

    We meet on the 1st Monday of the month, unless it's a bank holiday, in Hawkstones Room 203 in Todmorden Learning Centre and Community Hub, Burnley Road, 2pm to 3.30pm. We are a friendly and informal group with a passion for good literature, ranging from classics to modern. Each member has the opportunity to choose… Read more

  • Opera Appreciation Group

    We usually watch a whole opera on DVD with an interval for refreshment and conversation. Sometimes we have members giving introductions to the operas or composers and occasionally we have a guest speaker. Some members are very knowledgable about opera already and others new to this amazing art form. Read more

  • Philosophy

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