Group Category: Games and Pastimes
Beginners and seasoned players welcome. Canasta is a card game for 2 or 3 people playing individually or for 4 or 6 people playing in teams. The rules will be sent out to interested members and although they may sound complicated, I can assure you they are easy once you get playing. Read more
Board Games Group
Mah Jong
Mahjong is a tile-based game that was developed in China during the Qing dynasty and has spread throughout the world since the early 20th century. A game of skill but also chance. Some basic preparation is helpful to enable beginners to join the Group. Read more
Quizzes set by any member who wants to set a quiz. Teams chosen at random each week. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided. Cost is £3.00 per session. Membership - we have room for new members . Read more
We play Scrabble and socialise. Read more